Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Things

Before my photography class, I didn't enjoy nature photography or anything other than portrait photography.  But after a week of taking pictures of random subjects for all my assignments, I have learned to love it!  Random things are so fun!  Here are a few of my 'random things'.
Some of my favorite colors...purple and blue :)
'Texture' Assignment
Downtown Dallas
The hotel I stayed at was decorated with chandeliers.
My name tag and t-shirt :)
Old City Park 
Heather (my roommate)
'Stopped Motion' Assignment  
A colorful beauty in the sky!
Grandpa's tractor
The picture above my bed.
This doesn't mean I never want to get married! :)
'Shoe' Assignment
I hope you enjoyed these 'random things'.  Which is your favorite? 

~Hannah Breanne


  1. You did such a great job on all your assignments. Much better than me! :) I like the one of Heather! Love you and miss you lots! ~Hannah K.

  2. My favorites are: downtown Dallas, chandelier, Grandpa's tractor (Oh, how we miss him!), and the Longhorns with the clouded sky. I think your Dad might pick the Bible picture with the book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye!" :)

  3. Wow! Great job Hannah! Tough decision on my favorite, they are all good! I like the one of our bookclub pic with the diamond. :) Great memory. I really like the tractor one too, and the fan, it's different, but kind of cool. Anna

  4. I like the Bible picture first, then second the rainbow, and third the flowers. Nice work! LOVE!
